Hurricane Eta Clean-Up

Last week before Hurricane Eta changed direction, the part of Guatemala where we are experienced a lot of high winds, cold and rain. Other parts of Guatemala were destroyed by flooding and mudslides, with many loosing their homes and some even losing their lives. We’re thanking God that the worst aftermath we experienced here was a few days of cleaning the debris and some repairs around the property. This week, some of the moms in our program and their kids came by to help us clean what was left after the storm! Scroll through the photos below to see a few familiar faces helping us clean!

Ashlyn carried her little brother on her back for a while to give her mom a break!

Ashlyn carried her little brother on her back for a while to give her mom a break!

Ana taught some of the little guys to cut the wood with machetes (yes, it made me nervous watching it!)

Ana taught some of the little guys to cut the wood with machetes (yes, it made me nervous watching it!)

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